第50回 関東「音楽と脳勉強会」のご案内


日時  平成30年12月21日(金) 19:00~21:00
会場  電気通信大学 西10号館2F 大会議室; (地図はこちら


Makiko Sadakata(Radboud University Nijmegen / University of Amsterdam)


Temporal Dynamics of the Speech-to-Song Illusion

Makiko Sadakata, Gerben Groenveld, John Ashley Burgoyne (Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam Musicology department, University of Amsterdam)


The Speech-to-Song illusion refers to the phenomenon that our perception of speech can transform to song when we hear a speech fragment repeatedly. Thanks to recent research efforts, we know more and more about when this illusion takes place. To name a few, it occurs with speech fragments of not only English but also with many other languages, and it is experienced by both musicians and non-musicians. Also, pitch information plays an important role, much more so than rhythmic structures of a fragment. The current study presents a slightly different focus by highlighting what happens after the perceptual transformation had occurred. We were able to capture the temporal dynamics of the Speech-to-Song illusion, namely, that once a fragment is perceived as a song, it is difficult to unhear the melody of a speech fragment. This unidirectional nature of the Speech-To-Song illusion has theoretical implications.
